[Update] Why You Should Start Using Vpn


The word “VPN” might not sound new to you, you may have come across the word at one or two occasion via the internet, mobile phones or computers.

VPN is an abbreviation of  "Virtual Private Network" and the most vital thing you need to know about VPN is that it secures your device's internet connection, it ensures that all the packet data which is sent and received are secured and encrypted from prying eyes. It enables you to surf anonymously knowing fully well that your online activities are secured and hidden from spies, this could be either hackers, Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Government.

VPN comes pre-installed on your android smart phones which is accessible through the settings, likewise windows pc via Network and sharing center.

Setting up a VPN connection might not be easy for Nobs, it may require networking skills, that’s why there are several VPN software’s out there that comes pre-configured with necessary settings, once installed, you need not put any additional settings unless you want to change your I.P (location). Although they aren’t free, they’re paid VPN services that come with weekly, monthly, yearly and lifetime subscription fees.


Pros of using a VPN.

1.    VPN is a private network, this implies that it is secure to carry out internet transactions with 100% safety guaranteed.

2.    VPN allows you to surf the internet anonymously in such a way that your Internet Protocol (IP) address will not be traced.

3.    With VPN, you can be surfing on highly secured connections and could be able to dodge some of the publicly distributed online malwares, spywares, worms, adware, back doors, bots, virus such as Trojans etc.

4.    There are some websites you can’t visit, you can’t even view its content if you’re from a particular area, for such, VPN will do the magic, and unravel the contents for you.

 Cons of using a VPN.

1.    Some VPN software can slow down your smart phone or windows PC, Its RAM consumption might be massive.

2.    Downloading freeware VPN software to your device can put your device at risk, exposing it to various kinds of malwares and viruses like the recent "ExpensiveWall" malware on Google playstore that has infected more than 21million Android devices.

3.    If the VPN service is free, then you aren’t safe. Moreover the company providing the service has to find a way of remaining in business, maintaining their servers and paying their staffs. So it’s either you pay for premium services or use freeware VPN services that might do you more harm than good.
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